Full Stack Cloud and DevOps Engineer (m/w/d)

Home-Office / Hybrides Arbeiten
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Dein Aufgabengebiet

  • Collaborating closely with cross-disciplinary teams and departments across global locations such as the USA, China, India and more
  • Contributing to the frontend development, backend development and operations of MB.OS Portal as a part of an agile development team
  • Actively seeking, evaluating and implementing new technologies to maximize development efficiency
  • Strategically expanding the automated test framework and enhancing automated delivery pipelines
  • Together with a cross-functional team, you drive implementation & harmonization of DevOps tooling and a DevOps Way of Working.
  • You carry over best practices & state of the art tooling from the Web/Cloud DevOps world development.
  • You work in a dynamic environment, and you have the courage to leave behind the usual approaches
  • You follow the evolution of new software technologies, consider them in the design of future architectures and drive forward their implementation.
  • Collaborating with stakeholders and development partners to drive customer satisfaction

Dein Profil

  • Bachelor's degree in Information Technology, Engineering, Natural Sciences, or equivalent with a specialization in software
  • At least two years knowledge in software development gained through larger software projects
  • Business fluent communication skills in German and English
  • Proficiency in one or more high-level programming languages
  • Strong familiarity with version control systems like git, project management tools like Azure DevOps Boards, and the ability to set up and manage CI/CD pipelines
  • At least two years of professional web development work including JavaScript/TypeScript
  • Experience with one or more frontend frameworks (e.g., Vue, React, Angular)
  • Experience with cloud systems, preferably Microsoft Azure, is desirable
  • Familiarity with micro frontends and web component technologies is a plus
  • Experience with Rust is a plus
  • Profound DevOps & Programming experience. Ideally, you ...
    • ...know how to setup & configure CIs in GitLab CI and Jenkins
    • ...know how to automate Infrastructure in Terraform or Ansible
    • ...know how to set up cloud native applications in AWS
    • ...know how to integrate build systems and tools for static code analysis in pipelines
    • ...know how to solve arbitrary problems by scripting in one of the popular scripting languages
    • ...know how to develop either backend or frontend-services, utilizing Microservices & APIs
  • Experience in agile IT working practices and tools (e.g., SCRUM, DevOps, SRE, Software Development with CI/CD pipeline, Jira & Confluence)

Deine Benefits

  • Fair Pay+: Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag/ branchenüberdurchschnittliches Vergütungssystem inkl. Zusatzleistungen, z.B. Zuschüsse für KiTa, betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Bonussystem
  • Teilhabe: Projektverantwortung & Ownership/ flache Hierarchien/ kurze Entscheidungswege/ aktive Mitwirkung an spannenden Projekten
  • Weiterentwicklung: Persönliches & intensives Onboarding/ individuelle Weiterbildungs- & Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten inkl. Coaching- & Mentoring-Programm
  • Flexibilität: Hybrides & agiles Arbeiten (Homeoffice, mobile work), Arbeitszeiten & -ort individuell plan- und umsetzbar/ 30 Tage Urlaub/ Fokus auf Work-Life-Balance
  • Extras: Fitness & Wellbeing, Zugang zum firmeneigenen Fahrzeugpool & vielfältige Mitarbeiterrabatte
  • Zusammenhalt: Regelmäßige Teamevents & Feste/ familiäres Betriebsklima mit Fokus auf Kollegialität, Teamgeist & Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit
  • Gelebte Vielfalt: Bunte Unternehmenskultur/ Altersmix, Frauen in Führungspositionen & internationale Kolleginnen und Kollegen

Wer wir sind

Pragmatisch, Mittelstaendisch, Leidenschaftlich

Wir sind eines der wenigen deutschen inhabergeführten Unternehmen, welches in intelligenter Weise die Dynamik, Flexibilität und den Pragmatismus des Mittelstandes mit der Komplexität der Entwicklung von Automobilen der Premiumklasse verbindet.

ACONEXT ist eine Wertegemeinschaft, geprägt von Verantwortung und Vertrauen. Wertschätzung, Offenheit und Hinhören sind die Basis unserer Unternehmenskultur.